Vertu Motors Plc Helps Spread Christmas Cheer

The Vertu Motors Group is helping to spread Christmas cheer in the region by supporting a North East scheme that makes sure children, who would otherwise go without, receive a festive gift.
The leading automotive trader has set up drop-off points at several of its Gateshead offices for its employees to donate a new toy, gift or selection box to Norah’s North Pole.
The initiative was set up in memory of Norah Wilkinson, who lived by the motto: ‘It’s nice to be nice’. Each Christmas, Norah would take her grandchildren to make Christmas boxes for children who would go without. These would then be delivered on Christmas Eve to families most in need.
Norah died in 2015 aged 92, but her tradition has lived on with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren continuing her kind work.
Norah’s granddaughter, Sophie Imrie said: “With Norah’s North Pole, we’re proud to make a difference and sprinkle a little Christmas kindness.
“We rely on generous-spirited individuals and organisations to help us make Christmas special for disadvantaged families. We are very grateful to the Vertu Motors group for deciding to support us this year.”
Robert Forrester, Chief Executive of Vertu Motors plc, said: “Norah’s philosophy is a great one for people to follow and it is fantastic to see that her family is carrying on such sterling work in her memory.
“I am sure there will be an even greater need this year for their efforts, due to the huge financial pressures facing some families due to the Covid pandemic.
“The Group is delighted to do its bit to help the wider community by supporting Norah’s North Pole.”
After delivering 13,876 Santa sacks over the past six years, Norah’s North Pole is committed to spreading more Christmas kindness this year. The Norah’s North Pole ‘elves’ work with schools and social worker teams to get Santa sacks to the most vulnerable children in the North East.
Another initiative supporting Norah’s North Pole is the Great Christmas Raffle, which is being organised by Charity Escapes, which was founded by entrepreneur Jeremy Middleton.
Vertu Motors has provided the top prize of a MINI One 3-door Classic Hatchback for this year’s Great Christmas Raffle, which allows individuals and businesses to either support all the charities taking part, donate to one of the more than 30 charities involved or for corporate donations to nominate a company’s chosen charity.